Thursday, June 16, 2011

What really makes the difference?

What really makes the difference?

It's been an intense week here in Canada with our team. We've had the pleasure of meeting with some of the most amazing companies in the world, with some of the most innovative recruiters I've met.

To be able to discuss your business on a global level, is so invigorating and at times it's like starting all over again, like when we were a start up with everything to lose. The difference now is that we know what we're doing, how we want to do it and what our business represents.
It brought out my passion and my energy tenfold.

However, these meetings all really lead me to really truly think about what makes a business successful and what can also be the greatest weakness.

For me, it's all about client relationships. Having the relationship and knowledge of a client's business so well, you act like a married couple with finished sentences and matching jackets.
It's about asking the right questions at the right time and leaving room for movement in all of your conversations to ensure that we're providing the right stuff at the right time. It's about thinking about the end game for each client, before you even step up to the plate, it's about thinking outside the box every time so your clients can focus on what they're good and you can do the same.

It's also really hit home that we will never sell what people don't need.
For us, it's just so against the moral backbone of how we roll that it just wouldn't be in line with our ethos. One of our values is an absolute of "Don't sell 'em what they don't need". Trust, respect and honour are never built out of false presentations, and we're here for the long haul, not the one night stand.

And 3rd..which probably brings out too much of my altruistic side is although we are a business, I am not here to make a fast empty buck. There are so many things that we can help with and so many things that are better left for our clients to achieve. We make it our job to help clients help themselves. We want to set them up so that they don't have to call us for every job, so they too feel empowered in the process and learn from us as we do from them.

I realised this week more than ever, that if we stick to 3 above matter what we will succeed and better yet, we will always be proud of who we are, who we work with and why we're doing it.


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